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This is our plan

The Government has provided useful information on local nature recovery strategies and local nature recovery strategy statutory guidance. This is being used to guide how the LNRS for Derbyshire is developed.

A report approved by Derbyshire County Council’s Cabinet in January 2024 explains how we will develop our LNRS.

To launch the development of the LNRS a conference was held at County Hall in Matlock on 29 January 2024. Around 120 delegates representing a wide range of organisations and sectors came together to discuss what the strategy needs to address and how we work together to achieve it.

Following the conference, and throughout 2024 and early 2025, work has been undertaken to develop the content of the LNRS. This has been done through:

  • Input from the project’s core governance groups: the Supporting Authorities Group, the Steering Group, the Advisory Board, a series of Task and Finish Groups, as well as our neighbouring responsible authorities.
  • A period of focussed stakeholder engagement in April – June 2024 and then a period of wider engagement during September – November 2024.  This was delivered through a series of online and in-person events, online surveys and wider conversations.
  • Pulling together technical information, knowledge and expertise from  a wide range of partners and sources.
  • A period of public consultation on the draft strategy in February and March 2025.

Our Delivery Plan page provides more information on how the LNRS is being developed.

Get involved

If you’d like to be involved or want to find out more about the Local Nature Recovery Strategy for Derbyshire, get in contact with us.

Our aim is to publish the Local Nature Recovery Strategy by Summer 2025. We ran a series of stakeholder engagement events and activities during 2024 to gather views and knowledge from as many people as possible and to help us to create a strategy that is built on as much knowledge, evidence and information as possible.

We are now undertaking a public consultation on the draft strategy.

The draft strategy and information on how to give your views and comments are available on our Public Consultation page.

The final LNRS will be available on the website following its approval in Summer 2025.

Public Consultation

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